Kayaking for a sea worth saving

Coachella Unincorporated reporter Ivan Delgado was invited to join Assemblymember V. Manuel Pérez and State Senator Ben Hueso (now a State Senator) on a kayaking trip to the man-made sea bordering Riverside and Imperial counties.  The Salton Sea, which is actually California’s largest lake, is a big part of our region’s history.  The inland sea was the product of high flooding from the Colorado River flowing into the Imperial Valley in 1907.  Now the Salton Sea is known more for dead fish and bad odor than the emerald waters that once drew multitudes of tourists to its shores.  Some elected officials are working to "save the sea" and improve the smell for nearby residents.  Read about the kayaking adventure, on Coachella Unincorporated.Ivan-Kayak-480x360


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