Will my family benefit from 'the new Richmond'

Talk of change in Richmond has been stirring in recent years; a progressive city council, reform-minded grassroots organizations, and an impending UC Berkeley-affiliated science center there have generated interest in the city from different outsiders and promised more jobs, parks, and other public amenities where they are sorely needed.  But long-time residents have reason to be wary. "I can see how nervous residents whose families have been here for generations look whenever they see a young, hip couple wearing American Apparel walking down the street with their dogs..Many parents, like my mother, used to say, 'It will get better someday.' That someday seems to be arriving sooner than I expected, but I wonder, which of us will benefit?" Read more of Keisa Reynolds's commentary, on Richmond Pulse.richmond


New doc looks at human trafficking in the Central Valley


Trans teen longs for true pride